Mr Richard Westerman was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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12th November 2020

Originally I was on the NHS waiting list but due to the first covid lockdown an operation which should have been carried out soon after my pre-op for a hip replacement was put back to next year 2021. The pain was getting more intense hence I decided to go private and made an appointment to see Mr Westerman on the 27th of August. I immediately felt confident with this consultant in the way every thing was explained. The operation was carried out on the 26th of September and at each stage reassurance was given by the consultant as to what exactly was going to happen.The operation has been a great success and has been completely life changing. I am very indebted to Mr Westerman and would highly recommend him, I have found it very difficult to offer constructive suggestions as to how they could improve to give greater care.For me personally I could not have received any better treatment. Thank you Mr Westerman

7th October 2020

I first saw Mr Westerman at the beginning of July 2020 to discuss the results of an X-ray I had done at Rugby St Cross hospital. He told me I had osteoarthritis in my left hip (the pain at that time was excruciating) and the way forward would be to have a total left hip replacement. Mr Westerman explained in great detail to me the whole procedure. I was extremely anxious about the operation but Mr Westerman allayed my fears and concerns and completely put my mind at rest. I had my operation at the beginning of August at the BMI Meriden hospital and stayed in hospital for 2 nights. I cannot thank Mr Westerman enough. My hip is now totally pain free.

21st September 2020

In 2019 I was diagnosed with severe hip arthritis and advised that I needed a hip replacement. I tried stem cell therapy first and although it appeared to work initially, the pain returned after several months . My consultant suggested I had hip bursitis and advised that I should have a steroid injection. I went to the BMI Meriden in Coventry and this is where I first met Mr Westerman. Mr Westerman was very polite, had a caring manner and I appreciated his frankness. He said that the only treatment that would give me any lasting relief, would be a total hip replacement. I was terrified of the thought of surgery, having read all the horror stories on the web sites! I spoke to Mr Westerman on several occasions and he was very patient and reassuring- I now felt much more confident. My surgery was booked for December 2019 at the BMI Meridan Coventry Mr Westerman came to see me prior to surgery and was happy to answer any remaining questions I had. I new now, that I had chosen ‘the right man for the job’! He came to see me after the operation and reassured me that it had all gone very well. The next morning I was up and showering, feeling amazed that I was able to put weight on my hip[with the aid of crutches] so soon! I'd also like to thank all of the wonderful nursing staff at the BMI Meridan for their care and friendly approachable manner. I had some lovely chats with some of the catering staff too-thank you, helped me to relax! On the day of my discharge[I was in hospital for two days] I had a final visit from Mr Westerman[on his day off!] and given an opportunity to share any concerns- I felt reassured that all would be well . I was hopeful that I’d make a speedy recovery, as I’d done all my exercises prior to surgery and intended to be diligent about the recovery exercises too! Apart from a ‘little set back’ caused by over enthusiasm, I progressed well and was soon able to walk unaided. After about three months I was back horse riding and doing Zumba-taking it easy though. I am now completely pain free and can’t believe how fit I feel! Being able to return to my passions and being pain free, feels like a miracle…thank you so much Mr Westerman! I would highly recommend Mr Westerman to anyone who had the same plight as me and wants to ‘get their life back’ again! Doreen Townsend

Written by a patient at Hospital of St Cross
18th September 2020

After having a reconstructed hip only 5 weeks ago I am now walking independently without any aids, and I am also pain free! The amount of pain I was in before was indescribable and only days after my operation I have only felt my muscles hurting as I have started to use them again: This has changed my whole life and I cannot wait to get out my exercise bike and keep on getting fitter - I am so grateful to Mr Westerman and his team thank you so so much!

28th August 2020

I have just been signed off by Mr Westerman after my left hip was replaced 5 weeks ago. I feel great and have no pain, am walking well- doing at least 30 minutes a day. I am extremely grateful for the speedy referral, consultation and operation which took place this summer as soon as the hospital was able to treat patients again. I am about to go back to teaching and have been able to use the holidays to recover, do the exercises and build up my muscle strength again. I must admit I was very nervous to have the operation- having never had anything wrong with me before and always considered myself fit and healthy- but the arthritis would only have got worse in my left hip and I appreciated the guidance, advice and explanations given by Mr Westerman. Having a local anesthetic enabled a speedier recovery after the operation and as a previous patient has stated- I too, was able to walk a few steps as soon as the epidural had worn off. The aftercare was excellent and I was able to leave hospital after 2 nights. I shall have a check up in a year's time and I hope to be able to report back that I am swimming, bike riding and walking up mountains again!


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Hip and Knee Surgeon with a specialist interest in complex and revision hip replacements.

Nearest Orthopaedic and trauma surgeons